How to Fix the Pending Purchase Issue on Steam (2024)

Have you encountered an error message while trying to make a new purchase on Steam saying that your last purchase is still pending? The pop-up sometimes warns users that Steam may cancel their previous purchase if they make a new one, even if their bank has already charged them. This makes the situation more complicated.

This raises the question: What should you do when you receive this warning, and what steps can you take to get rid of it?

What Triggers the Pending Purchase Warning on Steam?

How to Fix the Pending Purchase Issue on Steam (1)

Steam pending purchase error can come in various forms. Here are some possible reasons why Steam may display the pending purchase warning when you buy something:

  • The last time you purchased on Steam, you didn't complete it.
  • It's been just a few minutes since you made the transaction, and the purchase process is still in progress.
  • A problem with your payment processor's backend has prevented your payment from being processed.
  • Your bank has processed the payment, but Steam hasn't confirmed it yet due to server-side issues on its end.
  • You have used a payment method that does not allow international transactions or online purchases.
  • You are paying through a foreign bank account while residing in another country.

Simply put, a problem on Steam's or your payment processor's end can affect your purchase process and present the pending purchase warning. Having identified the causes, let's explore possible solutions.

Fixes for the Steam Pending Purchase Issue

How to Fix the Pending Purchase Issue on Steam (2)

Here are some checks and fixes you can apply to resolve the pending purchase issue and make your purchase successful:

  • Check your Steam purchase history. If the most recent purchase was successful, the warning pop-up is probably a minor glitch, so report it to Steam. If you have an unfinished or stuck purchase, complete it to get rid of the error.
  • Steam purchases sometimes take a long time to complete. If you've just made a purchase, wait a while for the bank or Steam to process it.
  • If your pending purchase has been stuck for quite a while and your bank hasn't deducted any payment, cancel it and start over.
  • If Steam hasn't processed your payment despite being deducted by your bank, contact Steam support or cancel the transaction and request a refund from your bank. Then, repurchase the item.
  • Steam requires your device to be connected to the internet to confirm payment processing. Therefore, make sure that your device is fully connected.
  • Some banks don't process payments during weekends, so they carry over to the next working day. So, make sure that's not the problem.
  • If you have recently moved to a new country, update your Store country before making a new purchase. You can change it on the checkout or cart page.
  • For the purchase to be successful, you must use a local bank account of the same country where you reside.
  • Your payment may get stuck if Steam's backend is experiencing a technical issue. Check the Steam Status website to ensure all systems are running.
  • Occasionally, Steam payments can get stuck when made with a non-dollar payment account. If you've made the purchase using a non-dollar payment method, consider changing it.

If none of the above fixes work and you fail to determine why you receive the pending purchase warning, you should contact Steam support to investigate the issue further.

If you often have trouble finding exciting games, check out our suggestions for finding the best games on Steam.

Purchase Steam Games Without Issue

Encountering a pending purchase warning when making a new purchase on Steam can be frustrating. If you don't handle the warning properly, you'll have to spend considerable time talking to Steam's or your bank's support to cancel the purchase and get your money back.

Hopefully, now you have a clear picture of why this problem occurs. If you apply the checks and fixes listed above, you'll be able to resolve the issue and complete your next purchase. If nothing works, contact Steam support.

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How to Fix the Pending Purchase Issue on Steam (2024)


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